Concert Photography

  • YNGWIE MALMSTEEN at The Gramercy 05/07/22

    Last Saturday night the genius of the guitar Yngwie Malmsteen performed at The Gramercy Theatre in NYC .



    He went through number of songs, mostly classics that people knew and cheered loudly.


    His masterclass of guitar playing and stage presence showed to his crowd why he is who he is and they responded to it every time he wave to them. 


    I just wished that rest of the band could’ve participate a little more to make the whole show more interesting.



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  • DYING WISH at Warsaw 05/06/22

    This younger band opened up the whole event at Warsaw last night.


    This is another example of a female fronted band where the singer seems to have this amazing energy that don’t allow them to stop moving around and sharing his most profound screams with everybody at all times. Incredible.


    They have these ‘all-together’ jumps choreographed that i’m sure everyone knew in the crowd so all the stops and things were followed perfectly. It was fun to shoot them.


    Next time around i’ll know.  Read more

  • VENDED at Warsaw 05/06/22

    VENDED from Iowa brought with them the flavor of an old sound. As the show went on i couldn't not to look at the parallels from the way they look, the arrangements and the sound.


    Don’t get me wrong, it wasn't a bad thing at all i am just hoping that once they established their presence, they can go their own way because of the fact that they are a really good players.


    I guess the future holds great expectations so as long as they don’t abuse their roots it will be Ok and the new light will shine on their own spirit.



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  • LOATHE at Warsaw 05/06/22

     Not sure what i can say about this band and its performance. It seems that everyone else liked them and knew their material.  


    To me was weird to see a guy dancing to a metal music … and twins guys standing  next to him liked drilled up to the floor. Drummer was great though. 


    Don’t know…  it didn’t do much for me because adding to that before, i could not even see nothing so everything was sort of too dark and to noisy but like i’ve said it before everyone there like them and responded to them and knew their tunes.


    Hope for the best for them and maybe i will look for their music to see what it is about cause live i didn’t get anything. 


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