DESTRUCTION - Cooking Special

SCHMIER comments:
“Tasty and delicious food is one of my hobbies, so when my label asked me to do a little cooking special, I was into the idea right away!”

My grandma was half Italian and always said “food is like amore” (love) and it is true, good food can make you a happy man right?”

“We did this VERY traditional Bavarian/German dumpling called “Semmelknödel” (my grandmas recipe and a hot and spicy Goulash (originally from Hungary) with a DESTRUCTION twist. I hope some of you will try this at home cause it is easy and delicious and it will bring you some German classic into your home …so not just German THRASH METAL or beer…hehehe! I hope you will enjoy this, we had a blast doing it!!!”

Video by Ingo Spörl /

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