NITE Announce New Album 'Cult of the Serpent Sun'
When darkness descends, NITE flies high with blackened heavy metal.
After venturing through space on their last album, NITE has returned to face the shadowy mythology that lay dormant beneath society's underbelly. Each of the eight epic battles on Cult of the Serpent Suntests the band's mettle. But amidst their new album's winding perils, NITE emerges triumphant. Lead single "Crow (Fear the Night)" is a rallying cry, calling for fists to rise with power and might.
Watch the classic and cultish video for "Crow (Fear the Night)"
Cult of the Serpent Sun comes out March 14, 2025 on Season of Mist.
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Ever since they banded together out of San Francisco's underground in 2018, NITE has carried the torch for Bay Area metal. On Cult of the Serpent Sun, these four heavy metal avengers triple down on their classic arsenal. "Crow (Fear the Night)" swoops into the heat of battle with talons drawn. Like two birds of the same feather, the duel leads of Van Labrakis and Scott Hoffman climb on the back of drummer Patrick Crawford's foundation-shaking march.
Cult of the Serpent Sun carries a "more-is-more" philosophy, guided by what NITE garnered on the road. Since their last studio stint, the band have stormed the stage at Northwest Terror Fest, toured California with fellow statesmen Persekutor and Haunt and marched across the Southwest on the road to Hell's Heroes VI.
"Fans really responded to older songs like 'Acheron' and 'Genesis'", Labrakis says. "Cult of the Serpent Sun has more songs that are fast and upbeat and help lift people's spirits".
Cult of the Serpent Sun also sharpens NITE's signature edges with fresh venom. "We play a traditional style of heavy metal, but the blackened element takes us in a different direction", Labrakis says. His road-hardened voice strikes fear into the album's serpentine foes. "Fear the night", he warns, backed by bassist Avinash Mittur, who wields his bruising Rickenbacker with a spike-gloved fist.
"'Crow (Fear the Night)' is a call to those on the edge, a beckoning cry out of the shadows into the light", says NITE. "The headbanging masses band together under a sinister banner, leaving exile and finding themselves stronger as the cult of the serpent sun rises".
The video for "Crow (Fear the Night)" was directed by Marcelle Marais (
Additional credits
Produced by TriTonia Films @tritoniafilms & NITE
Director of Photography - Jerome Stolly @jeromestolly
Grip & Lighting - Jerome Stolly @jeromestolly
Colorist - Chris Martin @cmartcolors
Production Assistant - Elijah Post @elijahpostdc
Properties Assistants - Kent Cates @kent_cates0402 & Miles Miller @milesmillermotors
Crow figure performed by Dave Swafford
Special thanks to First Church of the Buzzard in Oakland
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